Friday, November 9, 2012

Broccoli Cheese Soup

1 Cup Butter
1 Cup Flour
5 ½ Cups Milk
1 ½ cups onion
3 cups potatoes
2/3 pound broccoli
½ pound Velveeta Cheese
1/3 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon salt
2 ½ Tablespoons Red Wine Vinegar

Melt Butter in a large saucepan.  Slowly stir in flour and milk.  Cook until thick.  In another pan cook diced onions and potatoes until tender (crisp tender if you plan on freezing it so that your veggies don’t get too mushy).  When veggies are almost tender add in broccoli for the last few minutes.  Drain excess water off veggies.  Combine sauce and veggies.  Mix in Velveeta Cheese (cut into chunks so it will melt quicker), salt, pepper and red wine vinegar.
When reheating soup you can thin it down with milk if the soup seems too thick.

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